0Tuesday. 28th [July 1885]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 July 1885 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 28th [July 1885]. I sat in the early morning for Mr Vigor & did not do much else in the morning being very much knocked up with the heat. Mme de Bülow a german resident has called to ask me abt the Holas family & to suggest a way to help them out of their pecuniary difficulties. Mme Mussi the Prefect’s wife called. Went out to see Mrs Bloomfield Moore & to the Holas to find out abt them & took Lady Bagot & Leila with us. Henry, Sir John & I dined at Css Pisani’s & met Mme & Mlle Giacomelli—owners of Villa Maser.

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