0Tuesday. 1st September [1885]—Villeneuve
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 September 1885 — Villeneuve
Tuesday. 1st September [1885]. We left Villeneuve by 9 train & went to Brieg. Weather fine but cloudy. Very slow train & we did not reach Brieg until past 3. Went to H. des Postes & found rooms ready for us. Had some tea & then Henry & I walked to Gliss– He remembered having slept at Gliss when he was a little boy of 5 or 6 years old when his parents first came to Italy. We found the inn the Croce di Malta wh he quite remembered. He also recollected that they had an English nurse & nursery maid called Ann & that his father dared Ann to go in the dark to the charnel house of the church opposite & bring him home a skull wh the girl did– We went into the church wh is of the 16th century & where there are 2 curious chapels in memory of the family of [illegible word] & his 21 children. There are also 2 curious old carved altar pieces. We went to the charnel house & there saw the rows of skulls & heaps of human bone, which are kept there. The church yard is beautifully kept & when any human remains are dug up in making new graves they are put in the charnel house. There is a pretty poplar avenue between Brieg & Gliss.

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