0Wednesday. 30th September [1885]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 September 1885 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 30th September [1885]. Fine weather. Painted in morng. Mr Malcolm called. Lunched at 1.30. A poor English woman called Mrs Hamilton came to see if we cd get her some glass painting to do– At 3 we went out to Biraghi’s to see the carvings he has ready for Canford staircase & then I had to come in & lie down as I began to have a headache. I had to get up & dress at 7 & we went to dine with the C. Princess. She had also a Princess Radziwill to dinner a french lady, staying at Venice. After dinner Princess Victoria took “Aunt Enid” to task for wearing a bonnet always instead of a hat & would not hear of my excuses. We went to the steps of the giardinetto where 3 arsenal gondolas & Capt. Acton awaited the Princesses to take them to the Arsenal to see the fishing in the basin there. We were allowed right in to the Arsenal & there we found several boats of Buranelle drawing up a net but as it was quite dark we could not see much. A fish was held up for the Psses to see but it caused great commotion by slipping away & getting under the upper boards of their gondola. As we came away from the Arsenal we found more with Bengal lights illuminating the gateway. Got home abt 10.30.

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