0Tuesday. 20th October [1885]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 October 1885 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 20th October [1885]. I set to work in the morning to paint the “band” the Brandolin arms for the hangings I am getting them made for their windows & got Pasquale to stand for the hand. Lady Gregory sat in the studio with me the while. We had a telegram in answer from the Crown Prince “Thanks for kind wishes & for many pleasant hours spent in your house.” After lunch Mr & Mrs Cyril Graham called—Mr Vigor also– I went out after 4, left cards & went to Hotel to call on Lady Hammond & then to see Mlle Louvard– Mrs & Miss Bronson, Browning & Miss Browning dined with us. In the evening we had a tea party & about 50 people altogether chiefly travellers– The Hammonds, Sir David Macpherson & his daughter, the Prime Minister of Canada, Capt & Mrs Briscoe, the Layards, Kers, Capt & Mrs Fraser &c &c. Katy Hammond played the zither beautifully.

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