0Thursday. 22nd [October 1885]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 October 1885 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 22nd [October 1885]. I painted a good time but was interrupted by a visit from Lady & Miss Hammond & then Miss Maxwell whom we kept to luncheon. After lunch I & Henry & Lady Gregory went off in the gondola. Henry & I went to see Mrs Forbes Brown & her son in their new house on the Zattere & they took us all over it—it is not yet finished. The view is fine. I went to see Lady Dunmore & bid her good bye. Home to tea in the studio. Young Mr Browning came to tea. Mr Malcolm dined with us. He played whist with Henry & the Gregorys. I played the harmonium to Sir Frederick.

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