0Monday. 26th October [1885]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 October 1885 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 26th October [1885]. Lovely day. I & Henry went at 11 to Mr Vigor’s studio to see Lord Hammond’s portrait which we much approved of. Cini came & pronounced Lady Gregory better & able to travel tomorrow. She came upstairs & sat with me in the studio. After lunch Mme Pilat came to see me– At 3.30 Henry & I went out to Mr Malcolm’s to see his portrait—to the Piazza to shop & to leave farewell cards. While I was waiting for Henry at the door of the Stabto Olga Mocenigo passed in a gondola & stopped & spoke to me—said she only returned home today at 1 & promised to come & dine with us. Went home to tea. Mr & Miss Maxwell came to tea. Wrote letters till dinner time. Olga dined with us & her sister in law Amelia came in the evening & they left about 11. We took leave of Sir F. Burton who leaves for Milan tomorrow morning early.

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