0Thursday. 5th November [1885]—Florence
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 November 1885 — Florence
Thursday. 5th November [1885]. Henry was not at all well—got up late and did not go out till abt 11 when we all went to the Pitti & I began my water colour sketch of Matteo Rosselli’s Triumph of David. I remained there till lunch alone & came back to the hotel to solitary lunch at 2. Later I took a little walk, did a little shopping & got some medicaments for Henrys cold intending to apply them this evening. I dined at the same time as Lady Hammond & family at 7 over at their part of the hotel & then I took the 2 younger girls to the play, Henry not being well eno’ to go. The Gregorys also took a box in order to take Mlle de Feil & they were all delighted.

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