0Wednesday. 16th December [1885]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 December 1885 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 16th December [1885]. I had a quiet morning being rather in need of rest. Henry went to the City to lunch– Lord Lytton came to see me & stayed to lunch & we had a very pleasant talk. I took Blanche out driving in our carriage open she took her little boy Myles with her. We spent most of our time at the Stores & came home at 5. Henry & I went to dine with Dr & Mrs William Smith & met Ld & Lady Arthur Russell, Sir Theodore & Lady Martin &c. Sir Theodore took me to dinner and was very agreeable– Of course politics came up & he mentioned that the Queen was so much disgusted with Sir Charles Dilkes’ immorality that she would never receive him at Court again & being abt the Court he could speak with authority. Lady Martin who was the celebrated actress Miss Helen Fawcett is a curious looking woman—handsomely dressed but rather untidy in her tout ensemble. Her hair fluffed over her eyes & she has not the least trace of her great beauty. She looked fearfully ill—but was very pleasant.

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