0Saturday. 27th February [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 February 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Saturday. 27th February [1886]. Got up at 7 & breakfast 7.30. Maria & also Fred Layard came here at 8 & we 4 drove down to Putney to poor Temmy’s funeral. We got there at ¼ to 9 & went to her house in Ravenna Road (5). Blanche & Edward had got there just before us. Connie & Charlie were there already. Luff was there & some Austin relations also Rd Du Cane. He & C. Eliot are executors. Miss Oliver Temmys old friend received us. The coffin was in the little drawing room– We went in to see the wreaths & flowers put on it. Connie arranged them. I could not help but returned to the dining room– At 9 we ladies went across to St John’s church– Mr Henley did the service. The coffin was carried across to the church—the service read & then it was carried out to be taken to Trant that she might be laid by the side of her husband. There was one mourning coach in wh Mr Austin’s 2 great nephews & her old maid Mackay went. The coffin was plain oak & being covered with white flowers I think it was a less gloomy funeral than usual—tho’ I had never been at one before– We 4 drove home directly after– This autumn would make 43 years since Temmy first came to our family. I was 3 months old at the time & she had been more like a mother to us all than even our own mother who was far oftener away from us & who left our education & health & care entirely to her. Luff also came to our family the same year & having risen from footboy became—butler, steward, farmer—& now is land agent in the family & this year Mayor of Blandford. Temmy lived with us till 68 when she married Mr Austin just 6 months before I was married. She has left Maria’s girl Alice £1000 & divided all her little family souvenirs amongst us. I found Eda Alderson, Bee Eliot (who slept here last night) & Mildred Guest at Breakfast on our return– Luff came to see me & I gave him some lunch before he had to catch his train back to Blandford. The 2 Austins, Mackay, Hallam Murray, Edward Ponsonby, R. Du Cane, C. Eliot, my brother Arthur went down to Trant to finish the service. At 1. I went to Paddington St to help over the Dinners for the people & Eda went with me. We gave out 147 dinners & only got back to lunch at 1. I went round to see Blanche at 3 & came home at 4 & did not go out again. Nety Forbes came to call. Blanche came later to tea. Henry & I dined with Mrs Drummond. Met Mr & Mrs Evelyn—Sir John Rose, Browning, Mr Chittern, Mr & Mrs FitzGerald, Mr Clark. Mr Evelyn took me in to dinner & Browning sat on my right. After dinner I had a very pleasant talk with Sir John who is a very nice minded man. Eda came at 10.30 to fetch me & we went to Lady Salisbury’s party. There was an immense crowd & Eda was so delighted at being there that I remained with her quite late & even returned to the upstairs rooms that she might see more of her cousins the Cecil girls & we got home at 12.30—I very tired–

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