0Sunday. 28th February [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 February 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 28th February [1886]. A bitter cold day. I started to go to church in my usual winter cloak but was so cold I turned back & got my pelisse to put over it. Mr Haweis gave an excellent discourse on “the will of God which is your sanctification.” On my return from church I went round to Langham Hse to see if Mama was returned to town wh she had not. I went to see B but she was out so I came home. During lunch Alice & Hallam came to call & then Richard & Nela Du Cane—the latter stayed till 4. The rest of the afternoon I read & dosed. Count Hatzfeldt & his daughter Nelly dined with us—& Mildred & Eda—the Hatzfeldts left early. All day snow threatened.

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