0Monday. 1st March [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 March 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Monday. 1st March [1886]. When we got up found a couple of inches of snow on the ground & it was very cold– I went on foot to the Peoples’ dinners & got back to lunch. The snow fell in large flakes in the afternoon—but a thaw set in & the ground was soon cleared. I went round to Blanche after lunch & Eda joined me there & we drove to do some shopping & came home before 5 glad to be in the warm again. After tea Eda & I played duetts on guitar & violin. Henry & I dined with Mr & Mrs Thompson Hankey 59 Portland Place & met the Dean of Westr who took me to dinner, Lord & Lady Hershel (I had Lord H on my right), Ld & Lady Arthur Russell & several other people I did not know. Mama returned today to home from her visits in Dorset & came here to dine with Mildred & Eda.

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