0Sunday. 11th April [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 April 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 11th April [1886]. I went to Mr Haweis’ chapel. Baby Hatzfeldt came to lunch. Nela Du Cane came afterwards & Henry took them both to the Zoological Garden. I took a hansom & went to see Lady Lindsay in Hans Place & sat some time with her. I found her very unhappy having yesterday heard that her bad husband Sir Coutts has sold his place in Scotland Balcarres to Lord Crawford– She was very fond of the place & she said that £50,000 of her fortune had been spent there & she hoped her daughters would have inherited. I sat with [her] some time till at last we talked of art & she showed me some of her painting & she seemed more cheerful. When I left her & went towards Sloane St in search of a cab I met my brother Arthur & walked a little way with him. He put me into a cab & I went home. Elizabeth Bertie came to tea & sat some time with me. Alice & Hallam Murray dined with us & Blanche & Edward came in the eveng & Edwards brother Arthur. We are leaving tomorrow for a visit to Mr Clark & then to Monty & Merthyr. Late in the eveng Henry had a note to say his brother Edgar is expected to arrive from New Caledonia tomorrow & his wife is very ill—so we decided to return to town on Saty to see them.

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