0Sunday. 18th April [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 April 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 18th April [1886]. I went to hear Mr Haweis preach. A fine sermon on Pontius Pilate. Walked after church to 7 Hollis St with Blanche & Edward to enquire after Annie. Met Mrs Rate walking. Went to see Mama & then home to lunch. Henry went out. I remained at home– Count Corti came to call. He said he had been to see 3 of his English Consple colleagues Goschen, Layard & Eliot. Henry came in to tea & we went to see the Edgar Layards together. Found her looking very ill & not able to find the words she wanted—& using one word for another. Edgar, Frederic & Amy Layard dined with us.

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