0Friday. 7th May [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 May 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Friday. 7th May [1886]. I wrote a letter to the Sultan to send with a carved rhinoceros horn which I am sending him as a present. The Turkish Ambr Rustem P. has promised to have the letter translated into Turkish for me & have it forwarded. In afternoon I drove out with Theo. We went first to the Nat. Hist. Museum—then to call on Cornelia who was at home—to see Felicia also in—& on to Mama. Theo went in after that & I went to Holles St to see Annie & Edgar & then home. Mama, Arthur, Maria & Richard & Edgar dined with us & to meet Merthyr & Theo.

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