0Tuesday. 11th May [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
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11 May 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 11th May [1886]. Henry & I walked together to Bond St. He went to Claridges to see Ct Corti. I went on to Almond’s Hotel to see Felicia & then Henry joined me & we went in a hansom down to Claverton St to lunch with Sir Collingwood & Lady Dickson where we met Sir Patrick Colquhoun. After lunch we went to call on Watts but he was out & at 5 we went to Fischer’s Hotel to see Lady Ely by appointment. We found her son Lord Ely with her. I had not seen him since we were all in Spain at Grenada when he was a shy youth. He is now a bloated red faced looking man with a loud voice & manner but he was very civil. Lady Ely was charming as usual. She has just returned from a tour in India. She had the Queen’s permission to be away long eno’ to go to Suez & from there she went on. She told us that Sir R. Morier was not giving satisfaction at St Petersburg. He was too Russian to please the Queen & was totally against P. Alexr of Bulgaria. She told me she was sure that they wd have to get Henry back into diplomacy, as Ld Lyons talked of leaving. I said I heard that Malet wd go to Paris– She said “not unless Bismarck wants to get rid of him– Il n’y a que Mallet. It is too much.” Henry went to dine at the Club. I went to the Thompsons to dinner at 7. Met Mr & Mrs Henschel the singers. She is American—He—German. Directly after dinner I went off to St James’ Theatre with Sir Henry Thompson & we saw Mr & Mrs Kendall in “Antoinette Regaud” & “My Uncle’s will.” The latter most amusing & well acted—tho’ Mrs K. is getting old for such young parts and makes faces– Henry says he had a pleasant dinner & Ld Salisbury was there.

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