0Wednesday. 12th May [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 May 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 12th May [1886]. I went at 11 to see Blanche & was followed there by Maria & Nela & carried off to the dress maker to see Nela’s ball gowns—as she is to come out at Weymouth this week at the yeomanry week. It was raining hard & very unpleasant. I went to see Mrs Edgar & then back to Blanche & sat & talked to her till I had to go home to luncheon at 2. I drove out with Henry & we went in to Christy’s to see the Beresford Hope collection wh is being sold. We cd not see the jewels & the pictures were not very wonderful. We looked into Fosters to see a collection of Spanish Embroideries to be sold—met the Duke of St Albans there. Eda Alderson came up to stay with us but I sent her on to Maria’s as she goes with them tomorrow to Weymouth. Blanche came to tea. Henry I had left at the Atheneum as at 4.30 he had to go to the Huguenot Society Council & stay to the dinner. I went to dine at the Thompsons & Sir Henry, Mrs Watkins & I went to the Court Theatre to see the “Schoolmistress” a broad farce wh made me laugh but was very silly.

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