0Wednesday. 19th May [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 May 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 19th May [1886]. Luff turned up to breakfast but went away directly afterwards. Henry & I went to lunch with Mrs Bloomfield Moore to meet Dr Oliver Wendell Holmes the American author. A tiny little man with a big head– He had his widowed daughter Mrs Sargent with him—a funny little talkative woman. Met there also Mr & Mrs Phelps (the American Minister & wife), Mr Robert Bruce of Rome—Sir Fred Haynes, Browning & his sister. We had an elaborate lunch wh lasted 1½ hour & every thing of the best. I sat between Browning & Haynes. After lunch we went up to the drawing room & found chairs all prepared for an afternoon party– Thomas was going to play the harp & a young american girl was to recite Holmes poems– As at 4.15 it had not begun I had to go before it began. I went to the H. of Commons to enquire after Lady May—now Ly Farnborough– The sudden death of Sir Thomas had grieved many to whom he was a kind friend. To us he was always most kind & had taken the greatest interest in Henry’s getting his dip. pension & pushed the matter when he could. His wife one of the plainest but kindest woman I ever knew is universally beloved. I went on to see Addie Tavistock & there met Cornelia & Lady L. Majoribanks & such a flood of visitors that I did not remain long. Sir Wm & Lady Gregory, Sir Henry Thompson & Mrs Watkins, Cornelia & Fred Layard dined with us.

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