0Tuesday. 1st [June 1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Tuesday. 1st [June 1886]. I went out in the morning. Went to see Mrs Edgar to bid her good bye as they are going away to Spilsby today. I then went on to Savile Row & went over lists of things in Norway with Monty. Henry came there at 12 & Ruth Du Cane– I walked home with the latter. It was a very stuffy stormy day. Ruth stayed to lunch & Mrs A. Hanson came to lunch. When they were all gone out I retired to my room as I had a very bad headache. Henry came up there to tea & we were joined by Maria. I got up for dinner but was glad to go to bed as soon as I could afterwards.

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