0Wednesday. 9th June [1886]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 June 1886 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 9th June [1886]. I went round to see Blanche & to Mama, did a little shopping & home. Maria came to lunch & drove with us & I left her at her house after we had been together to a flower show at the Botanical Gardens in Regent’s Park. I went home & dressed & went off to dine at the Huguenot dinner at the Criterion. Fred L. met me at the door & escorted me up to a big room where dinner was laid. I sat between him & Richard Du Cane. Henry presided. We had a good dinner for 5/6 a head. Afterwards there was a meeting, Henry in the chair wh lasted a couple of hours. We took Richard home & went in & had tea with Maria then home.

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