0Friday. 11th [June 1886]—En route to Norway
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 June 1886 — En route to Norway
Friday. 11th [June 1886]. We had started for Norway at 12 last night & abt 3 were suddenly woke by a bang—wh told one we had run into something—then came calls & shouts. At last Edgar came to Henry’s cabin & then Henry came to mine & told me we had run down a schooner with 5 men who had all been saved– There was rather a fog & it was a dead calm. We anchored being still in the Humber opposite Grimsby & there remained till 11 AM. Henry brought me some coffee & I went to sleep till 9 when I got up & went on deck. The Capt. (Lawson) had gone on shore to report the accident & put the schooner’s men ashore. At last abt 11 he returned & we started again. We lunched at 1—& dined at 6—lovely weather. Edgar & I played cribbage in the evening. I went to bed abt 10 & a little swell beginning.

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