0Thursday. 8th July [1886]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 July 1886 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Thursday. 8th July [1886]. Wet cold day. I went to fish at the bridge abt 11 and the cold rain & biting wind were terrible & I got nothing. I came in to lunch. Shortly after Fred who had gone to try his minnow came in with a 30 lb. salmon. I sat upstairs in my room & painted from my window. Had tea, played cribbage with Edgar. Dined at 7. At 9 I & Edgar went down to the bridge & he tried his minnow for a salmon & then I tried a fly all to no avail– Very rainy & piercing cold. Tea & bed. A great deal of fresh snow on the highest peak.

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