0Friday. 6th [August 1886]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 August 1886 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Friday. 6th [August 1886]. Splendid day. Sat out carving. At 2 went down & fished bank with John 0. Went in boat at end of Lowest Gredhus got grilse wh as I had single just took me ½ hour to land 5 lbs. Henry & Fred came down to see me fish. Fished from mouth of river 0, saw salmon & trout coming up with tide. Fished from bridge. Played a grilse lost him just as he was being gaffed. Came in to dinner at ¼ 6. Directly afterwards Henry went off to Haande– Fred to Friswold & I remained carving & talking to Edgar till nearly 9 when he went down to Upper Gredhus & I to bridge. I got 1 lb. trout. Fred came home at 9.30 & at 10 we went home, had tea & went early to bed. Henry came home at 12 having only got 3 big trout. He said he saw 4 men netting near Bjornes. Edgar got 2 trout each 1½ lb. Began to rain when Hy came in.

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