0Saturday. 21st [August 1886]—Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 August 1886 — Syltebo, Romsdalsfjord
Saturday. 21st [August 1886]. The wind had been high during the night & did not fall till afternoon. I went to Friswold & fished down but got nothing but came in at 3 to get some lunch. Monty was fishing on bridge. At 4 we all went down to the Bank & helped to net Lr Gredhus. A large red old salmon of 27 lbs. & a 7 lb. trout was the only result. We netted also Noste pool going over the river in boats. Walked on to Noste & Henry & I returned by the bridge. We dined at 7. I made up the salmon & trout lists for the season. Susan & Henry played cribbage.

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