0Wednesday. 24th [November 1886]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 November 1886 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 24th [November 1886]. Painted in the gallery. Had guitar lesson after lunch with Edith Bronson. At ¼ 4 I went to fetch Carry Eden & we paid a visit to the Prefettessa Mme Mussi. She was sitting in a darkened room with people all round her in a circle & it was very solemn. Luckily for me old Sigr Veludo came in soon after us & sat by me & we talked of old Rawdon Brown & then the cemetery & he told me how he had bought a grave for his family & how when last year his nephew was buried there he found all his family floating in water & added “Si figuri che illusione!” After the visit I went to Carry to tea & played patience with the invalid Miss Hammersley. Ersilia came there & sang & Mr Curtis Jr & the Hurtados & others. Olga Mocenigo was there & I took her home & she came & dined with us. Henry went to the Theatre & left us two to gossip over our work & when he came home we had tea together & she went home & we went to bed.

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