0Thursday. 6th [January 1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 January 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 6th [January 1887]. Dark cold morning & a heavy fall of snow. I copied for Henry & did lace work. Did not go out. Emily came to see me & had 5 T. Henry went to see Mme de Hurtado. Dined at 7 & went to the Fenice. Saw Lucia again. The tenor sang badly & was hissed. There was a long entracte before the last act & we were told that the tenor in his fury had run away from & had had to be fetched back by the police. Luckily the last act went off without any row—altho’ many of the audience called for the ballet at once & wanted to cut the opera short. The price of the “entrata” having been raised from 3 to 5 francs the public were out of humour & did not even heartily applaud the ballet altho’ the celebrated dancer “Limido” danced her best. She is very plain but dances very well.

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