0Tuesday. 25th January [1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 January 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 25th January [1887]. Finished packing &c. Carry came to borrow more things for her ball. Mr Malcolm came to take last instructions as to the colour our house is to be painted in our absence. We are anxious to get the right colour of old Venetian red. The old lace woman Vittoria Tranquilli came & put a new pattern on my pillow & taught it to me. After lunch we went out. I paid Mrs P. Russell a farewell visit, we went a moment to see how the Edens were getting on & then came home. These last days the weather has been splendid & the glass so high that it hardly can go higher. Emily came to tea. Ersilia Canevaro & Maria Cozzi came to tea. Mr Malcolm dined with us. Henry went after dinner to the Britannia to see Mr & Mrs Tom Bruce who arrived this eveng on their way to Cairo. He sent back the gondola for Mr Malcolm & me & we went together to the Edens’ ball. I was taken so unwell at dinner I was afraid I should not be able to go but I got better & went but did not remain beyond 11.30. It was a very pretty ball & their house looked very nice. We lent them all our servants to help.

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