0Friday. 28th January [1887]—Milan
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 January 1887 — Milan
Friday. 28th January [1887]. Henry & Morelli went out together—the former returned to lunch & at 2 M. d’Adda called for us & took us to see a house belonging to 2 brothers Bagati. It is quite new but beautifully done in the ancient style with much taste. Ct Bagati met us & showed us everything & introduced us to his wife who was a Borromeo—& very plain– She was very kind & we saw her bedroom all furnished in the old style, very stiff & uncomfortable without any feminine knicknacks wh would be considered out of date. The hangings on the walls some were old, some modern imitations– The stone carved portals most beautiful & chiefly designed by the master of the house. Even in the lady’s bedroom there was the old wooden cradle for the baby, narrow & hard but covered with a lace counterpane. The owner was a spare dark intelligent looking man with pleasant manners. From there we went to Da Mariquita (Henry went to the hotel). I stayed & had tea with her. She had a great many visitors. At dinner time Henry & Morelli joined us. We left early in the eveng in order to prepare for tomorrow’s start.

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