0Thursday. 3rd February [1887]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 February 1887 — Paris
Thursday. 3rd February [1887]. Henry & I spent 2 hours at the Louvre in the morning looking at the modern French pictures in the new room just opened. Took a walk with Henry in afternoon. We dined with M. & Mme La Croix 25 Avenue Messine & met M. & Mme Lambert de St Croix; the latter had just come from the Chambers & was very low & miserable as he said every one declared that war with Germany is inevitable & the deputies all say l’ny a rien à fairé. Henry said the French at this moment reminded him of Mamiontel when asked if he believed in ghosts who answered “Je n’y crois pas mais j’en ai peur.” We met 2 Spaniards M. & Mme Mendez—she rather a nice little dark woman. We went up to Mme La Croix studio after dinner & saw the wonderful things she is doing—a plafond for her stair case—& the designs for the drop scene of the theatre at Cadiz—a wonderfully practical idea & beautifully drawn. She paints wonderfully fast & draws very well making careful studies from the nude.

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