0Friday. 4th February [1887]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 February 1887 — Paris
Friday. 4th February [1887]. In the morning I took a walk by myself & then returned to the hotel to go with Dacre to the Louvre to buy gloves & returned in time to lunch. Henry & I then took a cab & went to my bonnet maker where he left me. He went to a séance of the institut. He was there received with much honor & distinction. He went in quietly & he thought unperceived when the gentleman who was President for the day made a speech to him & begged the “illustre visiteur” to come up & sit by his side in a post of honor & every body rose & bowed to him & he bowed to every one & all the men he had known came & shook hands with him & welcomed him back amongst them. I went to the Boulevard des Capucines to my dressmaker & just as I got there I saw a child run over by a gentleman driving a light tea cart. I heard the scream & then a crowd came up & the gentleman who had done the mischief came up to me & my cocher with a face green with terror saying he was horrified & it was not his fault, but the bonne had “lache” the child which was corroborated by my coachman. It so upset me I went in to Mlle Michauds & burst out crying & had to be soothed with eau sueré. We heard afterwards that the child was not hurt & was taken home with its bonne & mother. I went back to the hotel on foot. We had a visit from Mr Dieulafoy the discoverer. Señor Albareda paid us a long visit & was much more lively than the last time he came. Dacre dined with us. Patience.

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