0Sunday. 6th March [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 March 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Sunday. 6th March [1887]. I went to Vere St Chapel to Blanche’s pew & had a very affecting sermon from Page Roberts on the duties of women—taking the Virgin Mary as his text which at this moment when Adeline is making such worries upset us very much. Afterwards we, B., Edward & I walked to Langham Hse where B went in– Edward & I walked as far as Bond St. On the way we met Cornelia going also to Lang: House. I went home to lunch. Richard Du Cane came to lunch & was very strong in his determination to take Maria’s opinion before Cornelia’s to refuse to meet Adeline. Alice & Hallam came after lunch & I told them how matters stood. Ruth & Daisy came to call for their father & they left abt 3.30. I had a visit from Mr Mallet who had been staying at Venice this autumn. At 4.30 I went to see Blanche & there found Henry. Lord Herschel coming in to call on B we left her & went to see Mamma & Kate & then returned home to tea. I went later to Blanche & found she had had a talk with Cornelia who went back from all she had written to Arthur & said she did not intend to invite Adeline. After dinner I went to the French Embassy. Mrs Waddington receives in a small way on Sunday evenings. Arthur & Mildred were there & I brought the latter home to Langham House in a high state of delight at her party.

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