0Wednesday. 16th [March 1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 March 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Wednesday. 16th [March 1887]. There was deep snow all over the town & it snowed a little off & on. Wrote & practised guitar. The carriage took Henry at 2.30 & I went to see Blanche & the carriage fetched me there. I left cards &c & then at 4 went to fetch the Gregorys to take them to be introduced to the Murrays in Albemarle St. As they were not ready I went on & did more commissions & returned for them at 4.30. We got to the Murrays for 5 oclock T. Henry joined us. The Gregorys walked home & we drove home together H. & I. I went to Langham House to see Mama & Kate & then home. Dined at home– Wrote—patience.

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