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1 April 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street | |
Friday. 1st April [1887]. I had my last guitar lesson of Signor Sacchi and then arranged flowers for our dinner table which we received from Inwood. It began by snowing hard this morning—but the snow turned to rain & then it cleared up. Henry went down to Richmond with the Gregorys to see Sir F. Cook’s (Marquis of Monserrato) collection of pictures. I lunched alone & then at 3.30 went to Blanche & drove with her. We called on Lady Selkirk 50 Berkeley Sqr & found her at home & then to Mrs Burr’s & had tea. I went to be specially introduced to Mrs Maxwell Lyte. Mrs Ball & Lady Tavistock were at tea there also. B left me & I set out at 5.15 to walk home with Mrs M. Lyte. Just as we got to the Park it began to rain & we had to get into a hansom. I dropped her at her house in Portman Sqr & came home. Rested & usual patience up in my bedroom. Dinner party. Connie, Charlie & Evely Eliot, Mr & Mrs White, Mr & Mrs Rate, Mr & Mrs J. Murray, Miss Scobell, Mr B. Mallet, Mr Herbert Thompson, Senor Gayangos, Mr Nicholas Ball. Just as we were going in to dinner the Murrays came & I found I had quite forgotten them & had only arranged for 14. We put extra places & the mistake was not perceived. | |
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