0Friday. 3rd [June 1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 June 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 3rd [June 1887]. Desideri gave the girls a lesson & I remained with them & painted & at 12 went down stairs & began again the copy of our Giov: Bellini. After lunch went on with it. We intended to go at 4 to the Lido in gondola but it was blowing & there were heavy storm clouds so Henry & the girls decided to go by the steamer & I dropped them at the Riva Schiavoni & then went to the Piazza & to leave a few cards & then home at 5. Had tea—read &c. The others came home just upon 8 o’clock having been to see the game of Pellone played on the Lido. Dined at 8. Went out in gondola, splendid moonlit night. While listening to music under the giardinetto Mrs Bronson came by & invited us to her house to have some “bibiti” which she made us. Mr Tilbon & Mr G. Ker was with her. We got home at 12 o’cl.

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