0Saturday. 2nd July [1887]—Innsbruck
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 July 1887 — Innsbruck
Saturday. 2nd July [1887]. We left Innspruck by 9.31 train & had a coupe to ourselves. At Landeck our dinners were handed in to us on trays & we had an excellent meal. It was not very hot but it was stormy & oppressive. We came through the Arlberg tunnel & reached Zurich abt 6. Found a fête going on there to celebrate the making of a road close to the lake & of the new bridge. Bands were playing; the whole town was decorated with flags &c & children smartly dressed up were being feasted. On arriving at the hotel I had tea in my room & went to bed with a headache– The others dined at table d’hôte.

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