0Tuesday. 5th July [1887]—Lucerne
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 July 1887 — Lucerne
Tuesday. 5th July [1887]. Henry took Nela off by steamer to Fluelen & back. Starting at 10 they got back abt 4. Ola & I spent a pleasant morning sewing & I read aloud to her. Mme de Bülow came up & sat with us some time. At 12.30 Ola & I went to the table d’hôte & then sat together all the afternoon until Henry & Nela returned. It was a stormy day & there were refreshing showers. I took the two girls out for a walk & shop & then Ola had tea in their rooms. Henry, Nela & I went to the table d’hôte with the De Bülows, the Genl being better & able to come to table. We sat some time in the hall taking our coffee & went early up to bed.

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