0Wednesday. 6th [July 1887]—Lucerne
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 July 1887 — Lucerne
Wednesday. 6th [July 1887]. We breakfasted abt 8 & left by 9.50 train for Bâle. We heard that there had been a terrible occurrence at Fry several houses having subsided into the Lake & many lives lost. We reached Bâle abt 2. Went to 3 rois Hotel & had luncheon & then started out, walked to the Museum to see the Holbein drawings which are splendid, then to the Cathedral which is fine but inside cold wanting in decoration & life. Then took a walk round thro’ the town & saw the outside of the Rathhaus & then to our hotel. We dined at table d’hôte & then the girls went out for a walk. Henry & I remained in & played patience.

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