0Thursday. 21st July [1887]—1 Queen Anne Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 July 1887 — 1 Queen Anne Street
Thursday. 21st July [1887]. Kate came from Langham House to see me early after breakfast. Lady Campbell came also & we talked over the Glasgow Exhibition & I promised to see after women’s work in Italy. I painted till lunch. Connie came but did not stay to lunch. Maria & Nela & Baby Hatzfeldt came also for a little while. Fred Layard & Rassam came to lunch. Sir Fred Burton came also. At 3 I went to St George’s Hall & met there Maria & Nela & Ola & Baby H. to hear Corney Grain. We saw a stupid piece called the Naturalist in which Mr Alfred Reed made us laugh then Corney Grain gave us Jubilee Notes which were very funny. It was over at 5 when Ola, Baby & I took a hansom & we took Baby to Green St & then went on to Heath’s to try on my new hat. I left Ola at a shop & came home & fetched Morelli & he & I went up to see Maria 25 Park Crescent & we walked back by 7. Mama came to see me while I dressed for dinner. Henry & I went in a hansom & were followed by Morelli in another to dine with Lord & Lady Aberdare 22 Elvaston Place. Met Alice & Hallam, Mr & Mrs Andrew Lang & Mr & Mrs Richmond. I sat between our host & Lang who was not a very attractive man. He was jerky & seemed superficial & jaunty in manner. There was a small “tail” after dinner & Maria & the girls came so Henry & Morelli went home together & Maria took me in her brougham. Morelli took leave of us as he goes tomorrow to Chatsworth & we are going to Milton Court.

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