0Sunday. 24th July [1887]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 July 1887 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Sunday. 24th July [1887]. Was driven to Dorking Church by Mrs Rate & walked back– Mr Poynter R.A. came down from London. In the afternoon we all took a walk after 5 oclock tea. Henry & Margie did not go far but Mr Poynter, Alice Rate, Blanche & I climbed up Mr Cubitt’s hill—clinging on by some railings we dragged ourselves up a steep grass field to where a new road was being made across the hill. We followed along it a little way & then crossed the railroad & getting over numberless stiles—thro’ fields of oats & narrow lanes worked our way home. We dined quite late & sat out in the garden after dinner as it was very hot.

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