0Thursday. 4th August [1887]—Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 August 1887 — Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
Thursday. 4th August [1887]. I began a sketch for Lady Gregory of the window end of the drawing room & worked at it till lunch. In afternoon Sir Wm took me out for a drive in the park in the poney carriage but we did not remain out long as it began to drizzle. Mr W. O’Hara & Mr Christopher Reddington came to dine & sleep. Mr O’Hara is Sir William’s uncle & a fine old man of abt 90 tho’ he does not appear more than 70. His hair is snowy white & his beard would be so if he did not dye the middle part of it a raven black leaving the sides their natural colour. The piebald effect is too odd. He also dyes his eyebrows. Tho’ a little deaf he was very agreeable, full of anecdote & fun & as active as any of the others. Mr Reddington is of an old R.C. family not far from here & at present is a great home ruler & quite absorbed with politics. He is abt 35 and clever but seems to be impractical & not to be able to make the mark he might make.

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