0Friday. 5th August [1887]—Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 August 1887 — Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
Friday. 5th August [1887]. Drew in the drawing room all the morning. After lunch Lady Gregory, Mr Doyle & we went over to Lough Cutra to call on Lady Gough. It is a most lovely place with a splendid domain– One goes thro’ 2 gate houses on approaching it from Gort. The house is built in imitation of a feudal castle & in the hall are recesses built out on purpose to contain some fine Indian guns given to the famous Lord Gough father of the present Viscount and who bought the place which had belonged to Lord Gort. We found Lady Gough at home & also her son Mr Hugh Gough who is in diplomacy & now on leave. We had known him when he was Henry’s secy at Madrid. There was Lady Gough’s sister Miss Arbuthnot a curious looking old maid of a sorrowful countenance overshadowed by 2 long ringlets on either side of her face as was the fashion many years gone by. There was also a Mr Vanes Agnew a youth just passed into the army. Other people were calling so Miss Arbuthnot kindly took us down into the garden by the lake. The castle stands high over the lake which is very large & the views in every direction are lovely. We had tea & about 5.30 we set off home not sorry to get away from the solemnity of the visit. In fact as soon as we got home Augusta Gregory & I as a delassement went to feed Master Roberts donkey. Lady Gough has kindly invited us to go & stay there next week but we excused ourselves. Mr Reddington left Coole today but Mr O’Hara remained on.

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