0Saturday. 13th August [1887]—Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 August 1887 — Coole Park, Gort, County Galway
Saturday. 13th August [1887]. Wrote letters & read before breakfast & ditto after till lunch. At 3 Augusta took us on an outside car with little Robert to see the Punch bowl at Lough Cutra. It is a river which rises under water & disappears in a deep hole under ground. The water has made several depressions or punch bowls & the spot is very lovely, ivy & harts tongue line the sides of them & fine trees grow all round. Lord Gough allows any one to walk there & keeps up pretty walks & has put a bench to repose on. We walked about & then drove back to Coole. Mrs Shaw Taylor came over to tea. After tea I ensconced myself on the divan & read Shirley. Just before dressing for dinner I went up to Augusta’s room & tried a little sunset sketch. Dinner at 8. Cards. The “drummer” of the regiment quartered at Gort kindly consented to come out to cut Henry’s hair there being no barber near.

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