0Thursday. 25th August [1887]—Kylemore Castle, nr. Recess, County Galway
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 August 1887 — Kylemore Castle, nr. Recess, County Galway
Thursday. 25th August [1887]. I went out fishing on the Pool for a last chance of getting a salmon but the fates & the wind were against me & I gave up about 12.30 & came in & got Mrs Henn to give me a lesson in a new kind of work. After lunch Mr Henry took Henry & me to the church & showed us the little mausoleum where his wife lies & from which she is to be transferred to the crypt. Afterwards Henry & I went on the lake that I might have a last try for a trout but I got nothing & we gave up & came in. After dinner we sat in the ball room & heard the orchestrion.

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