0Tuesday. 15th [November 1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 November 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 15th [November 1887]. Kate sat to me before breakfast for her bust & we breakfasted at 9.30. Afterwards Henry took them all out to S. Giobbe &c. I wrote & worked. After lunch Kate & Cecil went out with Mr Malcolm to see the P&O & came in to T. I did not go out. Mr Marzials came very late to T & began to sing a little to us—but as we dined at 7 he left & promises to return tomorrow. Mrs Eden dined with us & Henry took her, Kate & Cecil to the Opera to hear Marino Faliero. I & Mama played duets in the evening—2 books of the Flauto Magico & one of Spohr’s Jessonda. Had tea in the studio when they returned.

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