0Thursday. 17th November [1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 November 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 17th November [1887]. Modelled in morng. Kate & Cecil & Mama went to see S. Giorgio Schiavoni & K & C went on to Mrs Bronson’s to go with her to visit the Patriarch of Venice & returned to lunch. After lunch Henry took them to Murano to see the Cathedral. I went for a walk & called on Ersilia– She was just going out so I went on to see Maria Cozzi & thence walked to the Edens & then home. After dinner we went to the Canevaros all except Mama. Ersilia sang nearly the whole evening. Met there Mr Brown. Henry played whist. Splendid weather all day.

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