0Saturday. 19th November [1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 November 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 19th November [1887]. Kitty sat to me for her bust before breakfast but it was wet & dark & difficult work. After breakfast I worked at the body of her dress & the lace on it. At 2.30 Kate, Mama & I went to call on Ersilia & I left them there & went on to the Grand Hotel to practise for the services of tomorrow as Mrs Menzies was still ill & I had to play the harmonium. Mr Jamison took me in his gondola as far as the Edens & en route introduced me to Miss Fearon the lady who keeps house for him. I did not stay long with the Edens but walked to the Traghetto & got home. Had several lamps & worked again at Kate’s bust.

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