0Monday. 21st November [1887]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 November 1887 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 21st November [1887]. Mama, Kate & Cecil left for Turin by the 9.15 train & it seemed very blank without them. Mr Malcolm came over at 11.30 & we made out together a list of linen for him to get for me from Monza. After lunch Henry & I went out in gondola & walked in the Piazza & back to the Campo opposite our house where the Gondola met us. As it was the fête of the Salute the streets were crammed & it was not quick walking. I left Henry at home & went on to see Ersilia & together we went on to see Mme d’Adda & then I returned home at 5. We dined at 7 & went to the Rossini to hear “Marino Faliero” by Donizetti—not badly done. The Prima donna                by name sings fairly.

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