0Tuesday. 3rd January [1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 January 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 3rd January [1888]. I went off to Zerazzi’s studio to paint at 10 & met Sir Alfred, Hilda & Madeleine Trevelyan as usual. Back at 12. After lunch we all 4 got put across the canal & walked to the Piazza to shop. I got some presents for a bran pie to amuse the children who are coming tomorrow for Snap Dragon. Ola & Ray walked home. Henry & I went in the gondola. Ola went to T with the Trevelyans. I had young Countess Valmarana to T with me & a nice long chat. Wrote letters. Ola was not very well & went to bed before dinner. We were none of us the better for having eaten oysters given us by Mr Malcolm & went early to bed.

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