0Saturday. 7th January [1888]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 January 1888 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 7th January [1888]. Raymond had Rheumatism attack & had to stay in bed & have Dr Cini to visit him. Ola also saw him as she was suffering from indigestion. Mr Brown turned up for luncheon. Henry & Ola walked in afternoon & I paid visits & joined them in the Piazza & brought them home– Stopped at Lady Trevelyans & went up to see her—but found after all she was not in. Was recd by the girls & Sir Alfred– Mr Marzials came to call & stayed to dinner. We dined at 7 & went to the Goldoni Theatre to see the Opera Guarany. Mr Brown joined us there for a bit—& Marzials who sat some time with Raymond also joined us. The Opera was noisy but not badly sung & the music uninteresting.

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