0Tuesday. 7th February [1888]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 February 1888 — Rome
Tuesday. 7th February [1888]. Henry’s lumbago bad & he stayed in bed all morng. Lady Bagot came to see me. Morelli came to see Henry & sat with him some time as did also Sir Wm Gregory. After lunch I left cards &c & then went to a tea party at Lady Eyres. We dined with Mme Minghetti & Henry was better. Very pleasant dinner. Bonghi was there also the Pasolinis, Morelli. There was great fun with Bonghi for whom there came a note from the Dss of Sermoneta & of whom Mme M. pretended to be jealous. She tore away his letter, read & answered it amongst roars of laughter– We got home early.

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