0Saturday. 18th [February 1888]—Naples
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 February 1888 — Naples
Saturday. 18th [February 1888]. We all 3 went to the Museum in the morning, saw the contents of a chemist’s shop lately discovered at Pompei. In the afternoon Ola & Henry went out, I remained in to receive Princess d’Abro Pagratide who came with her mother Contessa Villamarina to make acquaintance & to talk over the Glasgow Exhibition Exhibits. I went afterwards in a cab to leave cards on Princess Cariati & found that the young Pss whom I knew so well as Annie d’Ehrenhoff had only left here yesterday. Henry took Ola to S. Carlo to hear Othello. Tamagno was singing in it. Bad news in papers of Count Corti.

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